In2Care Mosquito Trap
This device lures and contaminates Aedes mosquitoes with a special slow-killing larvicide and let them spread this to other breeding sites (which are often hard to find and treat) so that mosquito larvae are not only killed inside the trap but also in its vicinity. This is combined with a biological adulticide that kills the contaminated mosquito after a few days to prevent her from transmitting any viruses like Dengue or Zika virus. In this way, the product kills the mosquitoes and their offspring, so that populations are reduced and disease transmission risks are lowered significantly.
Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever and Zika virus are rapidly spreading in America, tropical regions and throughout the world. Their vector, the Aedes mosquito, is difficult to control as it divides its eggs over various small and hard to find breeding sites and has become resistant to chemical insecticides. The In2Care Mosquito Trap effectively attracts and kills Aedes mosquitoes with novel and green ingredients that target both larvae and adults. Trap activity is not limited to the trap itself, but extends to the surrounding area.
Proven Efficacy:

  • Field validations were carried out by the IVCD of the Trinidad Ministry of Health

  • A large-scale trial was conducted by the MRCU on the Cayman Islands

  • Field efficacy validations for EPA-registration were conducted by the Manatee County Mosquito Abatement District in Florida and have been published in a  scientific journal

How does it work?

The Trap Explained:
The In2Care® Mosquito Trap is made of durable polyethylene components, and consists of a lid, central tube, click-on interface and reservoir. A floater moves along the central tube with the water level and serves as the landing/resting site for mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes are attracted to the trap by adding a tablet with attractive odours to the water. When a female enters the trap she lands on the floater covered with a gauze strip that binds a mix of biological agents with specific modes of action. All biological agents are in use for pest control and are US-EPA approved.

Actives Against Mosquitoes:
The patented In2Care® Mosquito Trap provides an attractive breeding site for egg-laying Aedes mosquitoes. When a mosquito enters the trap she lands near the water on the floater gauze that binds two actives. The first is a growth regulator that kills the mosquito larvae in the trap and in surrounding breeding sites. The second active is a biological fungus that weakens the mosquito, prevents virus development, and kills the mosquito before she can transmit diseases.

Click to open a detailed In2Care Mosquito Trap information factsheets  in  English and in   Spanish